Previous status: [python-dev] Second milestone of FAT Python (Nov 4, 2015).
I combined the documentation of various optimizations projects into a single documentation: Faster CPython. My previous optimizations projects:
- "old" astoptimizer (now replaced with a "new" astoptimizer included in the FAT Python)
- registervm
- read-only Python
The FAT Python project has its own page: FAT Python project.
Copy builtins to constants optimization
The LOAD_GLOBAL instruction is used to load a builtin function. The instruction requires two dictionary lookup: one in the global namespace (which almost always fail) and then in the builtin namespaces.
It's rare to replace builtins, so the idea here is to replace the dynamic LOAD_GLOBAL instruction with a static LOAD_CONST instruction which loads the function from a C array, a fast O(1) lookup.
It is not possible to inject a builtin function during the compilation. Python code objects are serialized by the marshal module which only support simple types like integers, strings and tuples, not functions. The trick is to modify the constants at runtime when the module is loaded. I added a new patch_constants() method to functions.
def log(message): print(message)
This function is specialized to:
def log(message): 'LOAD_GLOBAL print'(message) log.patch_constants({'LOAD_GLOBAL print': print})
The specialized bytecode uses two guards on builtin and global namespaces to disable the optimization if the builtin function is replaced.
See Copy builtin functions to constants for more information.
Loop unrolling optimization
A simple optimization is to "unroll" a loop to reduce the cost of loops. The optimization generates assignement statements (for the loop index variable) and duplicates the loop body.
Example with a range() iterator:
def func(): for i in (1, 2, 3): print(i)
The function is specialized to:
def func(): i = 1 print(i) i = 2 print(i) i = 3 print(i)
If the iterator uses the builtin range function, two guards are required on builtin and global namespaces.
The optimization also handles tuple iterator. No guard is needed in this case (the code is always optimized).
See Loop unrolling for more information.
Lot of enhancements of the AST optimizer
New optimizations helped to find bugs in the AST optimizer. Many fixes and various enhancements were done in the AST optimizer.
The number of lines of code more than doubled: 500 to 1200 lines.
Optimization: copy.deepcopy() is no more used to duplicate a full tree. The new NodeTransformer class now only copies a single node, if at least one field is modified.
The VariableVisitor class which detects local and global variables was heavily modified. It understands much more kinds of AST node: For, AugAssign, AsyncFunctionDef, ClassDef, etc. It now also detects non-local variables (nonlocal keyword). The scope is now limited to the current function, it doesn't enter inside nested DictComp, FunctionDef, Lambda, etc. These nodes create a new separated namespace.
The optimizer is now able to optimize a function without guards: it's needed to unroll a loop using a tuple as iterator.
Known bugs
See the TODO.rst file for known bugs.
Wrong Line Numbers (and Tracebacks)
AST nodes have lineno and col_offset fields, so an AST optimizer is not "supposed" to break line numbers. In practice, line numbers, and so tracebacks, are completly wrong in FAT mode. The problem is probably that AST optimizer can copy and move instructions. Line numbers are no more motononic. CPython probably don't handle this case (negative line delta).
It should be possible to fix it, but right now I prefer to focus on new optimizations and fix other bugs.
exec(code, dict)
In FAT mode, some optimizations require guards on the global namespace. If exec() if called with a Python dict for globals, an exception is raised because func.specialize() requires a fat.verdict for globals.
It's not possible to convert implicitly the dict to a fat.verdict, because the dict is expected to be mutated, and the guards be will on fat.verdict not on the original dict.
I worked around the bug by creating manually a fat.verdict in FAT mode, instead of a dict.
This bug will go avoid if the versionning feature is moved directly into the builtin dict type (and the fat.verdict type is removed).