The PyObject structure prevents indirectly to optimize CPython. We will see why and how I prepared the C API to make this structure opaque. It took me 1 year and a half to add functions and to introduce incompatible C API changes (fear!).
In February 2020, I started by adding functions like Py_SET_TYPE() to abstract accesses to the PyObject structure. I modified C extensions of the standard library to use functions like Py_TYPE() and Py_SET_TYPE().
I converted the Py_TYPE() macro to a static inline function, but my change was reverted twice. I had to fix many C extensions and fix a test_exceptions crash on Windows to be able to finally merge my change in September 2021.
Finally, we will also see what can be done next to be able to fully make the PyObject structure opaque.
Thanks to Dong-hee Na, Hai Shi and Andy Lester who helped me to make these changes, and thanks to Miro Hrončok who reported C extensions broken by my incompatible C API changes.
This article is a follow-up of the Make structures opaque in the Python C API article.
Drawing: "A spider in my bedroom" by Kéké
The C API prevents to optimize CPython
The C API allows to access directly to structure members by deferencing an PyObject* pointer. Example getting directly the reference count of an object:
Py_ssize_t get_refcnt(PyObject *obj) { return obj->ob_refcnt; }
This ability to access directly structure members prevents optimizing CPython.
Mandatory inefficient boxing/unboxing
The ability to dereference a PyObject* pointer prevents optimizations which avoid inefficient boxing/unboxing, like tagged pointers or list strategies.
No tagged pointer
Tagged pointers require adding code to all functions which currently dereference object pointers. The current C API prevents doing that in C extensions, since pointers can be dereferenced directly.
No list strategies
Since all Python object structures must start with a PyObject ob_base; member, it is not possible to make other structures opaque before PyObject is made opaque. It prevents implementing PyPy list strategies to reduce the memory footprint, like storing an array of numbers directly as numbers, not as boxed numbers (PyLongObject objects).
Currently, the PyListObject structure cannot be made opaque. If PyListObject could be made opaque, it would be possible to store an array of numbers directly as numbers, and to box objects in PyList_GetItem() on demand.
No moving garbage collector
Being able to dereference a PyObject** pointer also prevents to move objects in memory. A moving garbage collector can compact memory to reduce the fragmentation. Currently, it cannot be implemented in CPython.
Cannot allocate temporarily objects on the stack
In CPython, all objects must be allocated on the heap. If an object is allocated on the stack, stored in a list and the list is still accessible after the function completes: the stack memory is no longer valid, and so the list is corrupted at the function exit.
If objects would only be referenced by opaque handles, as the HPy project does, it would be possible to copy the object from the stack to the heap memory, when the object is added to the list.
Reference counting doesn't scale
The PyObject structure has a reference count (ob_refcnt member), whereas reference counting is a performance bottleneck when using the same objects from multiple threads running in parallel. Quickly, there is a race for the memory cacheline which contains the PyObject.ob_refcnt counter. It is especially true for the most commonly used Python objects like None and True singletons. All CPUs want to read or modify it in parallel.
This problem killed the Gilectomy project which attempted to remove the GIL from CPython.
A tracing garbage collector doesn't need reference counting, but it cannot be implemented currently because of the PyObject structure.
Creation of the issue (Feb 2020)
In February 2020, I created the bpo-39573 : "[C API] Make PyObject an opaque structure in the limited C API". It is related to my work on the my PEP 620 (Hide implementation details from the C API).
My initial plan was to make the PyObject structure fully opaque in the C API.
Add functions
In Python 3.8, Py_REFCNT() and Py_TYPE() macros can be used to set directly an object reference count or an object type:
Py_REFCNT(obj) = new_refcnt; Py_TYPE(obj) = new_type;
Such syntax requires a direct access to PyObject.ob_refcnt and PyObject.ob_type members as l-value.
In Python 3.9, I added Py_SET_REFCNT() and Py_SET_TYPE() functions to add an abstraction to PyObject members, and I added Py_SET_SIZE() to add an abstraction to the PyVarObject.ob_size member.
In Python 3.9, I also added Py_IS_TYPE(obj, type,) helper function to test an object type. It is equivalent to: Py_TYPE(obj) == type.
Use Py_TYPE() and Py_SET_SIZE() in the stdlib
I modified the standard library (C extensions) to no longer access directly PyObject and PyVarObject members directly:
- Replace "obj->ob_refcnt" with Py_REFCNT(obj)
- Replace "obj->ob_type" with Py_TYPE(obj)
- Replace "obj->ob_size" with Py_SIZE(obj)
- Replace "Py_REFCNT(obj) = new_refcnt" with Py_SET_REFCNT(obj, new_refcnt)
- Replace "Py_TYPE(obj) = new_type" with Py_SET_TYPE(obj, new_type)
- Replace "Py_SIZE(obj) = new_size" with Py_SET_SIZE(obj, new_size)
- Replace "Py_TYPE(obj) == type" test with Py_IS_TYPE(obj, type)
Enforce Py_SET_TYPE()
In Python 3.10, I converted Py_REFCNT(), Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() macros to static inline functions, so Py_TYPE(obj) = new_type becomes a compiler error.
Static inline functions still access directly PyObject and PyVarObject members at the ABI level, and so don't solve the initial goal: "make the PyObject structure opaque". Not accessing members at the ABI level can have a negative impact on performance and I prefer to address it later. I already get enough backfire with the other C API changes that I made :-)
Broken C extensions (first revert)
Converting Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() macros to static inline functions broke 16 C extensions:
- Cython
- bitarray
- boost
- breezy
- duplicity
- gobject-introspection
- immutables
- mercurial
- numpy
- pybluez
- pycurl
- pygobject3
- pylibacl
- pyside2
- rdiff-backup
In November 2020, during the Python 3.10 devcycle, I preferred to revert Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() changes.
I kept the Py_REFCNT() change since it only broke a single C extension (PySide2) and it was simple to update it to Py_SET_REFCNT().
I created the pythoncapi_compat project to provide the following functions to Python 3.8 and older:
- Py_IS_TYPE()
I also wrote a upgrade_pythoncapi.py script to upgrade C extensions to use these functions, without losing support for Python 3.8 and older.
Using the pythoncapi_compat project, I succeeded to update multiple C extensions to prepare them for Py_TYPE() becoming a static inline function.
test_exceptions crash (second revert)
In June 2021, during the Python 3.11 devcycle, I changed again Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() since most C extensions have been fixed in the meanwhile.
Problem: test_recursion_in_except_handler() of test_exceptions started to crash on a Python debug build on Windows: see bpo-44348.
Since nobody understood the issue, it was decided to revert my change again to repair buildbots.
Fix BaseException deallocator
In September 2021, I looked at the test_exceptions crash. In a debug build, the MSC compiler doesn't inline calls to static inline functions. Because of that, converting Py_TYPE() macro to a static inline functions increases the stack memory usage on a Python debug build on Windows.
I proposed to enable compiler optimizations when building Python in debug mode on Windows, to inline calls to static inline functions like Py_TYPE(). This idea was rejected, since the debug build must remain fully usable in a debugger.
I looked again at the crash and found the root issue. test_recursion_in_except_handler() creates chained of exceptions. When an exception is deallocated, it calls the deallocator of another exception, etc.
- recurse_in_except() sub-test creates chains of 11 nested deallocator calls
- recurse_in_body_and_except() sub-test creates a chain of 8192 nested deallocator calls
I proposed a change to use the trashcan mechanism. It limits the call stack to 50 function calls. I checked with a benchmark that the performance overhead is acceptable. My change fixed the test_exceptions crash!
Close the PyObject issue
Since most C extensions have been fixed and test_exceptions is fixed, I was able to change Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() for the third time. My final commit: Py_TYPE becomes a static inline function.
I changed the issue topic to restrict it to adding functions to access PyObject members. Previously, the goal was to make the PyObject structure opaque. It took 1 year and a half to add made all these changes.
What's Next to Make PyObject opaque?
The PyObject structure is used to define structurres of all Python types, like PyListObject. All structures start with PyObject ob_base; and so the compiler must have access to the PyObject structure.
Moreover, PyType_FromSpec() and PyType_Spec API use indirectly sizeof(PyObject) in the PyType_Spec.basicsize member when defining a type.
One option to make the PyObject structure opaque would be to modify the PyObject structure to make it empty, and move its members into a new private _PyObject structure. This _PyObject structure would be allocated before the PyObject* pointer, same idea as the current PyGC_Head header which is also allocated before the PyObject* pointer.
These changes are more complex than what I expected and so I prefer to open a new issue later to propose these changes. Also, the performance of these changes must be checked with benchmarks, to ensure that there is no performance overhead or that the overhead is acceptable.