Drawing: "L'oeil du cyclone" by Théo Grosjean.
Convert macros to functions
For 4 years, between Python 3.7 (2018) and Python 3.12 (2022), I made many changes on macros in the Python C API to make the API less error prone (avoid macro pitfalls) and better define the API (parameter types and return types, variable scope, etc.). PEP 670 "Convert macros to functions in the Python C API" describes in length the rationale of these changes.
I moved private functions to the internal C API to reduce the C API size.
Some changes are also related to preparing the API to make members of structures like PyObject or PyTypeObject private.
Converting macros and static inline functions to regular functions hides implementation details and bends the API towards the limited C API and the stable ABI (build a C extension once, use the binary on multiple Python versions). Regular functions are usable in programming languages and use cases which cannot use C macros and C static inline functions.
Most macros are converted to static inline functions, rather regular functions, to have no impact on performance.
This work was made incrementally in 5 Python versions (3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12) to limit the number of impacted projects at each Python release.
Changing Py_TYPE() and Py_SIZE() macros impacted most projects. Python 3.11 contains the change. During Python 3.10 development cycle, the change has to be reverted since it impacted too many projects.
Note: I didn't modify all macros and functions listed in this article, it's a collaborative work as usual.
Statistics on public functions:
- Python 3.7: 893 regular functions, 315 macros.
- Python 3.12: 943 regular functions, 246 macros, 69 static inline functions.
Cumulative changes on macros between Python 3.7 and Python 3.12 on public, private and internal APIs:
- Converted 88 macros to static inline functions
- Converted 11 macros to regular functions
- Converted 3 static inline functions to regular functions:
- Removed 47 macros
See Statistics on the Python C API for more numbers.
Python 3.12
Convert 39 macros to static inline functions:
- PyCell_GET()
- PyCell_SET()
- PyCode_GetNumFree()
- PyDict_GET_SIZE()
- PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE()
- PyFunction_GET_CLOSURE()
- PyFunction_GET_CODE()
- PyFunction_GET_DEFAULTS()
- PyFunction_GET_GLOBALS()
- PyFunction_GET_KW_DEFAULTS()
- PyFunction_GET_MODULE()
- PyInstanceMethod_GET_FUNCTION()
- PyMemoryView_GET_BASE()
- PyMemoryView_GET_BUFFER()
- PyMethod_GET_SELF()
- PySet_GET_SIZE()
- _PyGCHead_NEXT()
- _PyGCHead_PREV()
- _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT()
- _PyGCHead_SET_PREV()
- _PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED()
- _PyObject_SIZE()
- _PyObject_VAR_SIZE()
- _Py_AS_GC()
Remove 5 macros:
- PyUnicode_AS_DATA()
- PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE()
- PyUnicode_GET_DATA_SIZE()
- PyUnicode_GET_SIZE()
- PyUnicode_WSTR_LENGTH()
The following 4 macros can be used as l-values in Python 3.12:
- PyList_GET_ITEM()
- PyTuple_GET_ITEM():
- PyDescr_NAME()
- PyDescr_TYPE()
Code pattern like &PyTuple_GET_ITEM(tuple, 0) and &PyList_GET_ITEM(list, 0) is still commonly used to get a direct access to items as PyObject**. PyDescr_NAME() and PyDescr_TYPE() are used by SWIG: see https://bugs.python.org/issue46538
Python 3.11
Convert 33 macros to static inline functions:
- PyByteArray_AS_STRING()
- PyByteArray_GET_SIZE()
- PyBytes_AS_STRING()
- PyBytes_GET_SIZE()
- PyCFunction_GET_CLASS()
- PyCFunction_GET_FLAGS()
- PyCFunction_GET_FUNCTION()
- PyCFunction_GET_SELF()
- PyList_GET_SIZE()
- PyList_SET_ITEM()
- PyTuple_GET_SIZE()
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM()
- PyUnicode_AS_DATA()
- PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE()
- PyUnicode_DATA()
- PyUnicode_GET_DATA_SIZE()
- PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH()
- PyUnicode_GET_SIZE()
- PyUnicode_IS_ASCII()
- PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT()
- PyUnicode_IS_READY()
- PyUnicode_MAX_CHAR_VALUE()
- PyUnicode_READ()
- PyUnicode_READY()
- PyUnicode_READ_CHAR()
- PyUnicode_WRITE()
- PyWeakref_GET_OBJECT()
- Py_SIZE(): Py_SET_SIZE() must be used to set an object size
- Py_TYPE(): Py_SET_TYPE() must be used to set an object type
- _PyUnicode_COMPACT_DATA()
Convert 2 macros to regular functions:
Remove 11 macros:
- Moved to the internal C API:
- PyHeapType_GET_MEMBERS(): renamed to _PyHeapType_GET_MEMBERS()
- _Py_InIntegralTypeRange()
- _Py_IntegralTypeMax()
- _Py_IntegralTypeMin()
- _Py_IntegralTypeSigned()
Add _Py_RVALUE() to 7 macros to disallow using them as l-value:
- _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT()
- asdl_seq_GET()
- asdl_seq_GET_UNTYPED()
- asdl_seq_LEN()
- asdl_seq_SET()
- asdl_seq_SET_UNTYPED()
Note: the PyCell_SET() macro was modified to use _Py_RVALUE(), but it already used (void) in Python 3.10.
Python 3.10
Convert 3 macros to regular functions:
- PyDescr_IsData()
- PyExceptionClass_Name()
- PyIter_Check()
Convert 2 macros to static inline functions:
- PyObject_TypeCheck()
- Py_REFCNT(): Py_SET_REFCNT() must be used to set an object reference count
Remove 6 macros:
- PyAST_Compile()
- PyParser_SimpleParseFile()
- PyParser_SimpleParseString()
- PySTEntry_Check(): moved to the internal C API
- _PyList_ITEMS(): moved to the internal C API
Modify 3 macros to disallow using them as l-values by adding (void) cast:
- PyCell_SET()
- PyList_SET_ITEM()
- PyTuple_SET_ITEM()
Python 3.9
Convert 6 macros to regular functions:
- PyIndex_Check()
- PyObject_CheckBuffer()
- PyObject_IS_GC()
- Py_EnterRecursiveCall()
- Py_LeaveRecursiveCall()
Convert 5 macros to static inline functions:
- PyType_Check()
- PyType_CheckExact()
- PyType_HasFeature()
Convert 3 static inline functions to regular functions:
- _Py_Dealloc()
- _Py_ForgetReference()
- _Py_NewReference()
Remove 18 macros:
- Moved to the internal C API:
- PyDoc_STRVAR_shared():
- PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED()
- Py_AS_GC()
- _PyGCHead_NEXT()
- _PyGCHead_PREV()
- _PyGCHead_SET_NEXT()
- _PyGCHead_SET_PREV()
- _Py_MakeEndRecCheck()
- _Py_MakeRecCheck()
- _Py_RecursionLimitLowerWaterMark()
Python 3.8
Convert 9 macros to static inline functions:
- _PyObject_CallNoArg()
- _PyObject_FastCall()
- _Py_Dealloc()
- _Py_ForgetReference()
- _Py_NewReference()
Remove 7 macros:
- _PyGCHead_DECREF()
- _PyGCHead_REFS()
- _PyGCHead_SET_REFS()
- _PyGC_REFS()
- _PyObject_GC_TRACK(): moved to the internal C API
- _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK(): moved to the internal C API