Stable benchmarks are so close, but ...
Address Space Layout Randomization
When I started to work on removing the noise of the system, I was told that disabling Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) makes benchmarks more stable.
I followed this advice without trying to understand it. We will see in this article that it was a bad idea, but I had to hit other issues to really understand the root issue with disabling ASLR.
Example of command to see the effect of ASLR, the first number of the output is the start address of the heap memory:
$ python -c 'import os; os.system("grep heap /proc/%s/maps" % os.getpid())' 55e6a716c000-55e6a7235000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0 [heap]
Heap address of 3 runs with ASLR enabled (random):
- 55e6a716c000
- 561c218eb000
- 55e6f628f000
Disable ASLR:
sudo bash -c 'echo 0 >| /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'
Heap addresses of 3 runs with ASLR disabled (all the same):
- 555555756000
- 555555756000
- 555555756000
Note: To reenable ASLR, it's better to use the value 2, the value 1 only partially enables the feature:
sudo bash -c 'echo 2 >| /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space'
Python randomized hash function
With system tuning (part 1), a Python compiled with PGO (part 2) and ASLR disabled, I still I failed to get the same result when running manually bm_call_simple.py.
On Python 3, the hash function is now randomized by default: issue #13703. The problem is that for a microbenchmark, the number of hash collisions of an "hot" dictionary has a non-negligible impact on performances.
The PYTHONHASHSEED environment variable can be used to get a fixed hash function. Example with the patch:
$ PYTHONHASHSEED=1 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.198 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=2 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.201 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.207 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=4 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.187 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=5 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.180
Timings of the reference python:
$ PYTHONHASHSEED=1 taskset -c 1 ./ref_python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.204 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=2 taskset -c 1 ./ref_python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.206 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./ref_python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.195 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=4 taskset -c 1 ./ref_python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.192 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=5 taskset -c 1 ./ref_python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.187
The minimums is 180 ms for the reference and 186 ms for the patch. The patched Python is 3% faster, yeah!
Wait. What if we only test PYTHONHASHSEED from 1 to 3? In this case, the minimum is 195 ms for the reference and 198 ms for the patch. The patched Python becomes 2% slower, oh no!
Faster? Slower? Who is right?
Maybe I should write a script to find a PYTHONHASHSEED value for which my patch is always faster :-)
Command line and environment variables
Well, let's say that we will use a fixed PYTHONHASHSEED value. Anyway, my patch doesn't touch the hash function. So it doesn't matter.
While running benchmarks, I noticed differences when running the benchmark from a different directory:
$ cd /home/haypo/prog/python/fastcall $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 pgo/python ../benchmarks/performance/bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.215 $ cd /home/haypo/prog/python/benchmarks $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ../fastcall/pgo/python ../benchmarks/performance/bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.203 $ cd /home/haypo/prog/python $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 fastcall/pgo/python benchmarks/performance/bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.200
In fact, a different command line is enough so get different results (added arguments are ignored):
$ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.201 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 arg1 0.198 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 arg1 arg2 arg3 0.203 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 0.206 $ PYTHONHASHSEED=3 taskset -c 1 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 0.210
I also noticed minor differences when the environment changes (added variables are ignored):
$ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.201 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 VAR1=1 VAR2=2 VAR3=3 VAR4=4 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.202 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 VAR1=1 VAR2=2 VAR3=3 VAR4=4 VAR5=5 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 1 0.198
Using strace and ltrace, I saw the memory addresses are different when something (command line, env var, etc.) changes.
Average and standard deviation
Basically, it looks like a lot of "external factors" have an impact on the exact memory addresses, even if ASRL is disabled and PYTHONHASHSEED is set. I started to think how to get exactly the same command line, the same environment (easy), the same current directory (easy), etc. The problem is that it's just not possible to control all external factors (having an effect on the exact memory addresses).
Maybe I was plain wrong from the beginning and ASLR must be enabled, as the default on Linux:
$ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py 0.198 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py 0.202 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py 0.199 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py 0.207 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py 0.200 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py 0.201
These results look "random". Yes, they are. It's exactly the purpose of ASLR.
But how can we compare performances if results are random? Take the minimum?
No! You must never (ever again) use the minimum for benchmarking! Compute the average and some statistics like the standard deviation:
$ python3 Python 3.4.3 >>> timings=[0.198, 0.202, 0.199, 0.207, 0.200, 0.201] >>> import statistics >>> statistics.mean(timings) 0.2011666666666667 >>> statistics.stdev(timings) 0.0031885210782848245
On this example, the average is 201 ms +/- 3 ms. IMHO the standard deviation is quite small (reliable) which means that my benchmark is stable. To get a good distribution, it's better to have many samples. It looks like at least 25 processes are needed. Each process tests a different memory layout and a different hash function.
Result of 5 runs, each run uses 25 processes (ASLR enabled, random hash function):
- Average: 205.2 ms +/- 3.0 ms (min: 201.1 ms, max: 214.9 ms)
- Average: 205.6 ms +/- 3.3 ms (min: 201.4 ms, max: 216.5 ms)
- Average: 206.0 ms +/- 3.9 ms (min: 201.1 ms, max: 215.3 ms)
- Average: 205.7 ms +/- 3.6 ms (min: 201.5 ms, max: 217.8 ms)
- Average: 206.4 ms +/- 3.5 ms (min: 201.9 ms, max: 214.9 ms)
While memory layout and hash functions are random again, the result looks less random, and so more reliable, than before!
With ASLR enabled, the effect of the environment variables, command line and current directory is negligible on the (average) result.
The average solves issues with uniform random noises
The user will run the application with default system settings which means ASLR enabled and Python hash function randomized. Running a benchmark in one specific environment is a mistake because it is not representative of the performance in practice.
Computing the average and standard deviation "fixes" the issue with hash randomization. It's much better to use random hash functions and compute the average, than using a fixed hash function (setting PYTHONHASHSEED variable to a value).
Oh wow, already 3 big articles explaing how to get stable benchmarks. Please tell me that it was the last one! Nope, more is coming...
Annex: why only -n1?
In this article, I ran bm_call_simple.py with -n 1 with only run one iteration.
Usually, a single iteration is not reliable at all, at least 50 iterations are needed. But thanks to system tuning, compilation with PGO, ASRL disabled and PYTHONHASHSEED set, a single iteration is enough.
Example of 3 runs, each with 3 iterations:
$ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 3 0.201 0.201 0.201 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 3 0.201 0.201 0.201 $ taskset -c 1 env -i PYTHONHASHSEED=3 ./python bm_call_simple.py -n 3 0.201 0.201 0.201
Always the same timing!