I am currently at a CPython sprint 2017 at Facebook. We are discussing my idea of writing a new C API for CPython hiding implementation details and replacing macros with function calls.

This article tries to explain why the CPython C API needs to evolve.
C API prevents further optimizations
The CPython PyListObject type uses an array of PyObject* objects. PyPy is able to use a C array of integers if the list only contains small integers. CPython cannot because PyList_GET_ITEM(list, index) is implemented as a macro:
#define PyList_GET_ITEM(op, i) ((PyListObject *)op)->ob_item[i]
The macro relies on the PyListObject structure:
typedef struct { PyVarObject ob_base; PyObject **ob_item; // <-- pointer to real data Py_ssize_t allocated; } PyListObject; typedef struct { PyObject ob_base; Py_ssize_t ob_size; /* Number of items in variable part */ } PyVarObject; typedef struct _object { Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt; struct _typeobject *ob_type; } PyObject;
Compiling C extension code using PyList_GET_ITEM() produces machine code accessing PyListObject members. Something like (C pseudo code):
PyObject **items; PyObject *item; items = (PyObject **)(((char*)list) + 24); item = items[i];
The offset 24 is hardcoded in the C extension object file: the API (programming interface) becomes the ABI (binary interface).
But debug builds use a different memory layout:
typedef struct _object { struct _object *_ob_next; // <--- two new fields are added struct _object *_ob_prev; // <--- for debug purpose Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt; struct _typeobject *ob_type; } PyObject;
The machine code becomes something like:
items = (PyObject **)(((char*)op) + 40); item = items[i];
The offset changes from 24 to 40 (+16, two pointers of 8 bytes).
C extensions have to be recompiled to work on Python compiled in debug mode.
Another example is Python 2.7 which uses a different ABI for UTF-16 and UCS-4 Unicode string: the --with-wide-unicode configure option.
Stable ABI
If the machine code doesn't use the offset, it would be able to only compile C extensions once.
A solution is to replace PyList_GET_ITEM() macro with a function:
PyObject* PyList_GET_ITEM(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index);
defined as:
PyObject* PyList_GET_ITEM(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index) { return ((PyListObject *)list)->ob_item[i]; }
The machine code becomes a function call:
PyObject *item; item = PyList_GET_ITEM(list, index);
Specialized list for small integers
If C extension objects don't access structure members anymore, it becomes possible to modify the memory layout.
For example, it's possible to design a specialized implementation of PyListObject for small integers:
typedef struct { PyVarObject ob_base; int use_small_int; PyObject **pyobject_array; int32_t *small_int_array; // <-- new compact C array for integers Py_ssize_t allocated; } PyListObject; PyObject* PyList_GET_ITEM(PyObject *op, Py_ssize_t index) { PyListObject *list = (PyListObject *)op; if (list->use_small_int) { int32_t item = list->small_int_array[index]; /* create a new object at each call */ return PyLong_FromLong(item); } else { return list->pyobject_array[index]; } }
It's just an example to show that it becomes possible to modify PyObject structures. I'm not sure that it's useful in practice.
Multiple Python "runtimes"
Assuming that all used C extensions use the new stable ABI, we can now imagine multiple specialized Python runtimes installed in parallel, instead of a single runtime:
- python3.7: regular/legacy CPython, backward compatible
- python3.7-dbg: runtime checks to ease debug
- fasterpython3.7: use specialized list
- etc.
The python3 runtime would remain fully compatible since it would use the old C API with macros and full structures. So by default, everything will continue to work.
But the other runtimes require that all imported C extensions were compiled with the new C API.
python3.7-dbg adds more checks tested at runtime. Example:
PyObject* PyList_GET_ITEM(PyObject *list, Py_ssize_t index) { assert(PyList_Check(list)); assert(0 <= index && index < Py_SIZE(list)); return ((PyListObject *)list)->ob_item[i]; }
Currently, some Linux distributions provide a python3-dbg binary, but may not provide -dbg binary packages of all C extensions. So all C extensions have to be recompiled manually which is quite painful (need to install build dependencies, wait until everthing is recompiled, etc.).
Experiment optimizations
With the new C API, it becomes possible to implement a new class of optimizations.
Tagged pointer
Store small integers directly into the pointer value. Reduce the memory usage, avoid expensive unboxing-boxing.
No garbage collector (GC) at all
Python runtime without GC at all. Remove the following header from objects tracked by the GC:
struct { union _gc_head *gc_next; union _gc_head *gc_prev; Py_ssize_t gc_refs; } PyGC_Head;
It would remove 24 bytes per object tracked by the GC.
For comparison, the smallest Python object is "object()" which only takes 16 bytes.
Tracing garbage collector without reference counting
This idea is really the most complex and most experimental idea, but IMHO it's required to "unlock" Python performances.
- Write a new API to keep track of pointers:
- Declare a variable storing a PyObject* object
- Set a pointer
- Maybe also read a pointer?
- Modify C extensions to use this new API
- Implement a tracing garbage collector which can move objects in memory to compact memory
- Remove reference counting
It even seems possible to implement a tracing garbage collector and use reference counting. But I'm not an expert in this area, need to dig the topic.
- Is it possible to fix all C extensions to use the new API? Should be an opt-in option in a first stage.
- Is it possible to emulate Py_INCREF/DECREF API, for backward compatibility, using an hash table which maintains a reference counter outside PyObject?
- Do we need to fix all C extensions?
Read also Wikipedia: Tracing garbage collection.
Abstracting the ABI allows to customize the runtime for Gilectomy needs, to be able to reemove the GIL.
Removing reference counting would make Gilectomy much simpler.