My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q1 (january, februrary, march):

hg log -r 'date("2016-01-01"):date("2016-03-31")' --no-merges -u Stinner

Statistics: 196 non-merge commits + 33 merge commits (total: 229 commits).

Previous report: My contributions to CPython during 2015 Q4. Next report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q2.


Since this report is much longer than I expected, here are the highlights:

  • Python 8: no pep8, no chocolate!
  • AST enhancements coming from FAT Python
  • faulthandler now catchs Windows fatal exceptions
  • New PYTHONMALLOC environment variable
  • tracemalloc: new C API and support multiple address spaces
  • ResourceWarning warnings now come with a traceback
  • PyMem_Malloc() now fails if the GIL is not held
  • Interesting bug: reentrant flag in tracemalloc

Python 8: no pep8, no chocolate!

I prepared an April Fool: [Python-Dev] The next major Python version will be Python 8 :-)

I increased Python version to 8, added the pep8 module and modified importlib to raise an ImportError if a module is not PEP8-compliant!

AST enhancements coming from FAT Python

Changes coming from my FAT Python (AST optimizer, run ahead of time):

The compiler now ignores constant statements like b'bytes' (issue #26204). I had to replace constant statement with expressions to prepare the change (ex: replace b'bytes' with x = b'bytes'). First, the compiler emited a SyntaxWarning, but it was quickly decided to let linters to emit such warnings to not annoy users: read the thread on python-dev.

Example, Python 3.5:

>>> def f():
...  b'bytes'
>>> import dis; dis.dis(f)
  2           0 LOAD_CONST               1 (b'bytes')
              3 POP_TOP
              4 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              7 RETURN_VALUE

Python 3.6:

>>> def f():
...  b'bytes'
>>> import dis; dis.dis(f)
  1           0 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
              2 RETURN_VALUE

Other changes:

  • Issue #26107: The format of the co_lnotab attribute of code objects changes to support negative line number delta. It allows AST optimizers to move instructions without breaking Python tracebacks. Change needed by the loop unrolling optimization of FAT Python.
  • Issue #26146: Add a new kind of AST node: ast.Constant. It can be used by external AST optimizers like FAT Python, but the compiler does not emit directly such node. Update code to accept ast.Constant instead of ast.Num and/or ast.Str.
  • Issue #26146: marshal.loads() now uses the empty frozenset singleton. It fixes a test failure in FAT Python and reduces the memory footprint.

faulthandler now catchs Windows fatal exceptions

I enhanced the faulthandler.enable() function on Windows to set a handler for Windows fatal exceptions using AddVectoredExceptionHandler() (issue #23848).

Windows exceptions are the native way to handle fatal errors on Windows, whereas UNIX signals SIGSEGV, SIGFPE and SIGABRT are "emulated" on top of that.

New PYTHONMALLOC environment variable

I added a new PYTHONMALLOC environment variable (issue #26516) to set the Python memory allocators.

PYTHONMALLOC=debug enables debug hooks on a Python compiled in release mode, whereas Python 3.5 requires to recompile Python in debug mode. These hooks implements various checks:

  • Detect buffer underflow: write before the start of the buffer
  • Detect buffer overflow: write after the end of the buffer
  • Detect API violations, ex: PyObject_Free() called on a buffer allocated by PyMem_Malloc()
  • Check if the GIL is held when allocator functions of PYMEM_DOMAIN_OBJ (ex: PyObject_Malloc()) and PYMEM_DOMAIN_MEM (ex: PyMem_Malloc()) domains are called

Moreover, logging a fatal memory error now uses the tracemalloc module to get the traceback where a memory block was allocated. Example of a buffer overflow using python3.6 -X tracemalloc=5 (store 5 frames in traces):

Debug memory block at address p=0x7fbcd41666f8: API 'o'
    4 bytes originally requested
    The 7 pad bytes at p-7 are FORBIDDENBYTE, as expected.
    The 8 pad bytes at tail=0x7fbcd41666fc are not all FORBIDDENBYTE (0xfb):
        at tail+0: 0x02 *** OUCH
        at tail+1: 0xfb
        at tail+2: 0xfb
    The block was made by call #1233329 to debug malloc/realloc.
    Data at p: 1a 2b 30 00

Memory block allocated at (most recent call first):
  File "test/", line 323
  File "unittest/", line 600

Fatal Python error: bad trailing pad byte

Current thread 0x00007fbcdbd32700 (most recent call first):
  File "test/", line 323 in test_hex
  File "unittest/", line 600 in run

PYTHONMALLOC=malloc forces the usage of the system malloc() allocator. This option can be used with Valgrind. Without this option, Valgrind emits tons of false alarms in the Python pymalloc memory allocator.

tracemalloc: new C API and support multiple address spaces

Antoine Pitrou and Nathaniel Smith asked me to enhance the tracemalloc module:

  • Add a C API to be able to manually track/untrack memory blocks, to track the memory allocated by custom memory allocators. For example, numpy uses allocators with a specific memory alignment for SIMD instructions.
  • Support tracking memory of different address spaces. For example, central (CPU) memory and GPU memory for numpy.

Support multiple address spaces

I made deep changes in the hashtable.c code (simple C implementation of an hash table used by _tracemalloc) to support keys of a variable size (issue #26588), instead of using an hardcoded void * size. It allows to support keys larger than sizeof(void*), but also to use less memory for keys smaller than sizeof(void*) (ex: int keys).

Then I extended the C _tracemalloc module and the Python tracemalloc to add a new domain attribute to traces: add Trace.domain attribute and tracemalloc.DomainFilter class.

The final step was to optimize the memory footprint of _tracemalloc. Start with compact keys (Py_uintptr_t type) and only switch to pointer_t keys when the first memory block with a non-zero domain is tracked (when one more one address space is used). So the _tracemalloc memory usage doesn't change by default in Python 3.6!


I added a private C API (issue #26530):

int _PyTraceMalloc_Track(_PyTraceMalloc_domain_t domain, Py_uintptr_t ptr, size_t size);
int _PyTraceMalloc_Untrack(_PyTraceMalloc_domain_t domain, Py_uintptr_t ptr);

I waited for Antoine and Nathaniel feedback on this API, but the API remains private in Python 3.6 since none reviewed it.

ResourceWarning warnings now come with a traceback

Final result

Before going to explain the long development of the feature, let's see an example of the final result! Example with the script

import warnings

def func():
    return open(__file__)

f = func()
f = None

Output of the command python3.6 -Wd -X tracemalloc=5 ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.TextIOWrapper name='' mode='r' encoding='UTF-8'>
  f = None
Object allocated at (most recent call first):
  File "", lineno 4
    return open(__file__)
  File "", lineno 6
    f = func()

The Object allocated at (...) part is the new feature ;-)

Add source parameter to warnings

Python 3 logs ResourceWarning warnings when a resource is not closed properly to help developers to handle resources correctly. The problem is that the warning is only logged when the object is destroy, which can occur far from the object creation and can occur on a line unrelated to the object because of the garbage collector.

I added a new tracemalloc module to Python 3.4 which has an interesting tracemalloc.get_object_traceback() function. If tracemalloc traced the allocation of an object, it is able to provide later the traceback where the object was allocated.

I wanted to modify the warnings module to call get_object_traceback(), but I noticed that it wasn't possible to easily extend the warnings API because this module allows to override showwarning() and formatwarning() functions and these functions have a fixed number of parameters. Example:

def showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None):

With the issue #26568, I added new _showwarnmsg() and _formatwarnmsg() functions to the warnings module which get a warnings.WarningMessage object instead of a list of parameters:

def _showwarnmsg(msg):

I added a source attribute to warnings.WarningMessage (issue #26567) and a new optional source parameter to warnings.warn() (issue #26604): the leaked resource object. I modified _formatwarnmsg() to log the traceback where resource was allocated, if available.

The tricky part was to fix corner cases when the following functions of the warnings module are overriden:

  • formatwarning(), showwarning()
  • _formatwarnmsg(), _showwarnmsg()

Set the source parameter

I started to modify modules to set the source parameter when logging ResourceWarning warnings.

The easy part was to modify asyncore, asyncio and _pyio modules to set the source parameter. These modules are implemented in Python, the change was just to add source=self. Example of asyncio destructor:

def __del__(self):
    if not self.is_closed():
        warnings.warn("unclosed event loop %r" % self, ResourceWarning,
        if not self.is_running():

Note: The warning is logged before the resource is closed to provide more information in repr(). Many objects clear most information in their close() method.

Modifying C modules was more tricky than expected. I had to implement "finalizers" (PEP 432: Safe object finalization) for the _socket.socket type (issue #26590) and for the os.scandir() iterator (issue #26603).

More reliable warnings

The Python shutdown process is complex, and some Python functions are broken during the shutdown. I enhanced the warnings module to handle nicely these failures and try to log warnings anyway.

I modified warnings.formatwarning() to catch linecache.getline() failures on formatting the traceback.

Logging the resource traceback is complex, so I only implemented it in Python. Python tries to use the Python warnings module if it was imported, or falls back on the C _warnings module. To get the resource traceback at Python shutdown, I modified the C module to try to import the Python warning: _warnings.warn_explicit() now tries to import the Python warnings module if the source parameter is set to be able to log the traceback where the source was allocated (issue #26592).

Fix ResourceWarning warnings

Since it became easy to debug these warnings, I fixed some of them in the Python test suite:

  • Issue #26620: Fix ResourceWarning in test_urllib2_localnet. Use context manager on urllib objects and use self.addCleanup() to cleanup resources even if a test is interrupted with CTRL+c
  • Issue #25654: multiprocessing: open file with closefd=False to avoid ResourceWarning. _test_multiprocessing: open file with O_EXCL to detect bugs in tests (if a previous test forgot to remove TESTFN). test_sys_exit(): remove TESTFN after each loop iteration
  • Fix ResourceWarning in test_unittest when interrupted

PyMem_Malloc() now fails if the GIL is not held

Since using the mall object allocator (pymalloc)) for dictionary key storage showed speedup for the dict type (issue #23601), I proposed to generalize the change, use pymalloc for PyMem_Malloc(): [Python-Dev] Modify PyMem_Malloc to use pymalloc for performance.

The main issue was that the change means that PyMem_Malloc() now requires to hold the GIL, whereas it didn't before since it called directly malloc().

Check if the GIL is held

CPython has a PyGILState_Check() function to check if the GIL is held. Problem: the function doesn't work with subinterpreters: see issues #10915 and #15751.

I added an internal flag to PyGILState_Check() (issue #26558) to skip the test. The flag value is false at startup, set to true once the GIL is fully initialized (Python initialization), set to false again when the GIL is destroyed (Python finalization). The flag is also set to false when the first subinterpreter is created.

This hack works around PyGILState_Check() limitations allowing to call PyGILState_Check()` anytime to debug more bugs earlier.

_Py_dup(), _Py_fstat(), _Py_read() and _Py_write() are low-level helper functions for system functions, but these functions require the GIL to be held. Thanks to the PyGILState_Check() enhancement, it became possible to check the GIL using an assertion.

PyMem_Malloc() and GIL

Issue #26563: Debug hooks on Python memory allocators now raise a fatal error if memory allocator functions like PyMem_Malloc() and PyMem_Malloc() are called without holding the GIL.

The change spotted two bugs which I fixed:

  • Issue #26563: Replace PyMem_Malloc() with PyMem_RawMalloc() in the Windows implementation of os.stat(), the code is called without holding the GIL.
  • Issue #26563: Fix usage of PyMem_Malloc() in overlapped.c. Replace PyMem_Malloc() with PyMem_RawFree() since PostToQueueCallback() calls PyMem_Free() in a new C thread which doesn't hold the GIL.

I wasn't able to switch PyMem_Malloc() to pymalloc in this quarter, since it took more a lot of time to implement requested checks and test third party modules.

Fatal error and faulthandler

I enhanced the faulthandler module to work in non-Python threads (issue #26563). I fixed Py_FatalError() if called without holding the GIL: don't try to print the current exception, nor try to flush stdout and stderr: only dump the traceback of Python threads.

Interesting bug: reentrant flag in tracemalloc

A bug annoyed me a lot: a random assertion error related to a reentrant flag in the _tracemalloc module.

Story starting in the middle of the issue #26588 (2016-03-21). While working on issue #26588, "_tracemalloc: add support for multiple address spaces (domains)", I noticed an assertion failure in set_reentrant(), a helper function to set a Thread Local Storage (TLS), on a buildbot:

python: ./Modules/_tracemalloc.c:195: set_reentrant:
    Assertion `PyThread_get_key_value(tracemalloc_reentrant_key) == ((PyObject *) &_Py_TrueStruct)' failed.

I was unable to reproduce the bug on my Fedora 23 (AMD64). After changes on my patch, I pushed it the day after, but the assertion failed again. I added assertions and debug informations. More failures, an interesting one on Windows which uses a single process.

I added an assertion in tracemalloc_init() to ensure that the reeentrant flag is set at the end of the function. The reentrant flag was no more set at tracemalloc_start() entry for an unknown reason. I changed the module initialization to no call tracemalloc_init() anymore, it's only called on tracemalloc.start().

"The bug was seen on 5 buildbots yet: PPC Fedora, AMD64 Debian, s390x RHEL, AMD64 Windows, x86 Ubuntu."

I finally understood and fixed the bug with the change af1c1149784a: tracemalloc_start() and tracemalloc_stop() don't clear/set the reentrant flag anymore.

The problem was that I expected that tracemalloc_init() and tracemalloc_start() functions would always be called in the same thread, whereas it occurred that tracemalloc_init() was called in thread A when the tracemalloc module is imported, whereas tracemalloc_start() was called in thread B.

Other commits


The developers of the vmprof profiler asked me to expose the atomic variable _PyThreadState_Current. The private variable was removed from Python 3.5.1 API because the implementation of atomic variables depends on the compiler, compiler options, etc. and so caused compilation issues. I added a new private _PyThreadState_UncheckedGet() function (issue #26154) which gets the value of the variable without exposing its implementation.

Other enhancements:

  • Issue #26099: The site module now writes an error into stderr if sitecustomize module can be imported but executing the module raise an ImportError. Same change for usercustomize.
  • Issue #26516: Enhance Python memory allocators documentation. Add link to PYTHONMALLOCSTATS environment variable. Add parameters to PyMem macros like PyMem_MALLOC().
  • Issue #26569: Fix pyclbr.readmodule() and pyclbr.readmodule_ex() to support importing packages.
  • Issue #26564, #26516, #26563: Enhance documentation on memory allocator debug hooks.
  • doctest now supports packages. Issue #26641: doctest.DocFileTest and doctest.testfile() now support packages (module splitted into multiple directories) for the package parameter.


Issue #25843: When compiling code, don't merge constants if they are equal but have a different types. For example, f1, f2 = lambda: 1, lambda: 1.0 is now correctly compiled to two different functions: f1() returns 1 (int) and f2() returns 1.0 (int), even if 1 and 1.0 are equal.

Other fixes:

  • Issue #26101: Fix test_compilepath() of test_compileall. Exclude Lib/test/ from sys.path in test_compilepath(). The directory contains invalid Python files like Lib/test/, whereas the test ensures that all files can be compiled.
  • Issue #24520: Replace fpgetmask() with fedisableexcept(). On FreeBSD, fpgetmask() was deprecated long time ago. fedisableexcept() is now preferred.
  • Issue #26161: Use Py_uintptr_t instead of void* for atomic pointers in pyatomic.h. Use atomic_uintptr_t when <stdatomic.h> is used. Using void* causes compilation warnings depending on which implementation of atomic types is used.
  • Issue #26637: The importlib module now emits an ImportError rather than a TypeError if __import__() is tried during the Python shutdown process but sys.path is already cleared (set to None).
  • doctest: fix _module_relative_path() error message. Write the module name rather than <module> in the error message, if module has no __file__ attribute (ex: package).

Fix type downcasts on Windows 64-bit

In my spare time, I'm trying to fix a few compiler warnings on Windows 64-bit where the C long type is only 32-bit, whereas pointers are 64-bit long:

  • posix_getcwd(): limit to INT_MAX on Windows. It's more to fix a compiler warning during compilation, I don't think that Windows support current working directories larger than 2 GB :-)
  • _pickle: Fix load_counted_tuple(), use Py_ssize_t for size. Fix a warning on Windows 64-bit.
  • getpathp.c: fix compiler warning, wcsnlen_s() result type is size_t.
  • compiler.c: fix compiler warnings on Windows
  • _msi.c: try to fix compiler warnings
  • longobject.c: fix compilation warning on Windows 64-bit. We know that Py_SIZE(b) is -1 or 1 an so fits into the sdigit type.
  • On Windows, socket.setsockopt() now raises an OverflowError if the socket option is larger than INT_MAX bytes.

Unicode bugfixes

  • Issue #26227: On Windows, getnameinfo(), gethostbyaddr() and gethostbyname_ex() functions of the socket module now decode the hostname from the ANSI code page rather than UTF-8.
  • Issue #26217: Unicode resize_compact() must set wstr_length to 0 after freeing the wstr string. Otherwise, an assertion fails in _PyUnicode_CheckConsistency().
  • Issue #26464: Fix str.translate() when string is ASCII and first replacements removes characters, but next replacements use a non-ASCII character or a string longer than 1 character. Regression introduced in Python 3.5.0.

Buildbot, tests

Just to give you an idea of the work required to keep a working CI, here is the list of changes I maded in a single quarter to make tests and Python buildbots more reliable.

  • Issue #26610: Skip test_venv.test_with_pip() if ctypes miss
  • test_asyncio: fix test_timeout_time(). Accept time delta up to 0.12 second, instead of 0.11, for the "AMD64 FreeBSD 9.x" buildbot slave.
  • Issue #13305: Always test datetime.datetime.strftime("%4Y") for years < 1900. Change quickly reverted, strftime("%4Y") fails on most platforms.
  • Issue #17758: Skip test_site if site.USER_SITE directory doesn't exist and cannot be created.
  • Fix test_venv on FreeBSD buildbot. Ignore pip warning in test_venv.test_with_venv().
  • Issue #26566: Rewrite test_signal.InterProcessSignalTests. Don't use os.fork() with a subprocess to not inherit existing signal handlers or threads: start from a fresh process. Use a timeout of 10 seconds to wait for the signal instead of 1 second
  • Issue #26538: regrtest: Fix module.__path__. libregrtest: Fix setup_tests() to keep module.__path__ type (_NamespacePath), don't convert to a list. Add _NamespacePath.__setitem__() method to importlib._bootstrap_external.
  • regrtest: add time to output. Timestamps should help to debug slow buildbots, and timeout and hang on buildbots.
  • regrtest: add timeout to main process when using -jN. libregrtest: add a watchdog to run_tests_multiprocess() using faulthandler.dump_traceback_later().
  • Makefile: change default value of TESTTIMEOUT from 1 hour to 15 min. The whole test suite takes 6 minutes on my laptop. It takes less than 30 minutes on most buildbots. The TESTTIMEOUT is the timeout for a single test file.
  • Buildbots: change also Windows timeout from 1 hour to 15 min
  • regrtest: display test duration in sequential mode. Only display duration if a test takes more than 30 seconds.
  • Issue #18787: Try to fix test_spwd on OpenIndiana. Try to get the "root" entry which should exist on all UNIX instead of "bin" which doesn't exist on OpenIndiana.
  • regrtest: fix --fromfile feature. Update code for the name regrtest output format. Enhance also test_regrtest test on --fromfile
  • regrtest: mention if tests run sequentially or in parallel
  • regrtest: when parallel tests are interrupted, display progress
  • support.temp_dir(): call support.rmtree() instead of shutil.rmtree(). Try harder to remove directories on Windows.
  • rt.bat: use -m test instead of
  • Refactor regrtest.
  • Fix test_warnings.test_improper_option(). test_warnings: only run test_improper_option() and test_warnings_bootstrap() once. The unit test doesn't depend on self.module.
  • Fix test_os.test_symlink(): remove created symlink.
  • Issue #26643: Add missing shutil resources to
  • test_urllibnet: set timeout on test_fileno(). Use the default timeout of 30 seconds to avoid blocking forever.
  • Issue #26295: When using "python3 -m test --testdir=TESTDIR", regrtest doesn't add "test." prefix to test module names. regrtest also prepends testdir to sys.path.
  • Issue #26295: test_regrtest now uses a temporary directory


I also pushed a few changes written by other contributors:

  • Issue #25907: Use {% trans %} tags in HTML templates to ease the translation of the documentation. The tag comes from Jinja templating system, used by Sphinx. Patch written by Julien Palard.
  • Issue #26248: Enhance os.scandir() doc, patch written by Ben Hoyt:
  • Fix error message in asyncio.selector_events. Patch written by Carlo Beccarini.
  • Issue #16851: Fix inspect.ismethod() doc, return also True if object is an unbound method. Patch written by Anna Koroliuk.
  • Issue #26574: Optimize bytes.replace(b'', b'.') and bytearray.replace(b'', b'.'): up to 80% faster. Patch written by Josh Snider.