My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q2 (april, may, june):

hg log -r 'date("2016-04-01"):date("2016-06-30")' --no-merges -u Stinner

Statistics: 52 non-merge commits + 22 merge commits (total: 74 commits).

Previous report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q1. Next report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q3.

Start of my work on optimization

During 2016 Q2, I started to spend more time on optimizing CPython.

I experimented a change on CPython: a new FASTCALL calling convention to avoid the creation of a temporary tuple to pass positional argulments: issue26814. Early results were really good: calling builtin functions became between 20% and 50% faster!

Quickly, my optimization work was blocked by unreliable benchmarks. I spent the rest of the year 2016 analyzing benchmarks and making benchmarks more stable.

subprocess now emits ResourceWarning

subprocess.Popen destructor now emits a ResourceWarning warning if the child process is still running (issue #26741). The warning helps to track and fix zombi processes. I updated asyncio to prevent a false ResourceWarning (warning whereas the child process completed): asyncio now copies the child process exit status to the internal Popen object.

I also fixed the POSIX implementation of subprocess.Popen._execute_child(): it now sets the returncode attribute from the child process exit status when exec failed.

Security: fix potential shell injections in ctypes.util

I rewrote methods of the ctypes.util module using os.popen(). I replaced os.popen() with subprocess.Popen without shell (issue #22636) to fix a class of security vulneratiblity, "shell injection" (inject arbitrary shell commands to take the control of a computer).

The os.popen() function uses a shell, so there is a risk if the command line arguments are not properly escaped for shell. Using subproces.Popen without shell fixes completely the risk.

Note: the ctypes is generally not considered as "safe", but it doesn't harm to make it more secure ;-)

Optimization: PyMem_Malloc() now uses pymalloc

PyMem_Malloc() now uses the fast Python "pymalloc" memory allocator which is optimized for small objects with a short lifetime (issue #26249). The change makes some benchmarks up to 4% faster.

This change was possible thanks to the whole preparation work I did in the 2016 Q1, especially the new GIL check in memory allocator debug hooks and the new PYTHONMALLOC=debug environment variable enabling these hooks on a Python compiled in released mode.

I tested lxml, Pillow, cryptography and numpy before pushing the change, as asked by Marc-Andre Lemburg. All these projects work with the change, except of numpy. I wrote a fix for numpy: Use PyMem_RawMalloc on Python 3.4 and newer, merged one month later (my first contribution to numy!).

The change indirectly helped to identify and fix a memory leak in the formatfloat() function used to format bytes strings: b"%f" % 1.2 (issue #25349, #26249).


Issue #27056: Optimize pickle.load() and pickle.loads(), up to 10% faster to deserialize a lot of small objects. I found this optimization using Linux perf on Python compiled with PGO. My change implements manually the optimization if Python is not compiled with PGO.

Issue #26770: When set_inheritable() is implemented with fcntl(), don't call fcntl() twice if the FD_CLOEXEC flag is already set to the requested value. Linux uses ioctl() and so always only need a single syscall.


  • Issue #26716: Replace IOError with OSError in fcntl documentation, IOError is a deprecated alias to OSError since Python 3.3.

  • Issue #26639: Replace the deprecated imp module with the importlib module in Tools/i18n/ Remove _get_modpkg_path(), replaced with importlib.util.find_spec().

  • Issue #26735: Fix os.urandom() on Solaris 11.3 and newer when reading more than 1024 bytes: call getrandom() multiple times with a limit of 1024 bytes per call.

  • configure: fix HAVE_GETRANDOM_SYSCALL check, syscall() function requires #include <unistd.h>.

  • Issue #26766: Fix _PyBytesWriter_Finish(). Return a bytearray object when bytearray is requested and when the small buffer is used. Fix also test_bytes: bytearray%args must return a bytearray type.

  • Issue #26777: Fix random failure of test_asyncio.test_timeout_disable() on the "AMD64 FreeBSD 9.x 3.5" buildbot:

    File ".../Lib/test/test_asyncio/", line 2398, in go
      self.assertTrue(0.09 < dt < 0.11, dt)
    AssertionError: False is not true : 0.11902812402695417

    Replace < 0.11 with < 0.15.

  • Backport test_gdb fix for s390x buildbots to Python 3.5.

  • Cleanup import.c: replace PyUnicode_RPartition() with PyUnicode_FindChar() and PyUnicode_Substring() to avoid the creation of a temporary tuple. Use PyUnicode_FromFormat() to build a string and avoid the single_dot ('.') singleton.

  • regrtest now uses subprocesses when the -j1 command line option is used: each test file runs in a fresh child process. Before, the -j1 option was ignored. Tools/buildbot/test.bat script now uses -j1 by default to run each test file in fresh child process.

  • regrtest: display test result (passed, failed, ...) after each test completion. In multiprocessing mode: always display the result. In sequential mode: only display the result if the test did not pass

  • Issue #27278: Fix os.urandom() implementation using getrandom() on Linux. Truncate size to INT_MAX and loop until we collected enough random bytes, instead of casting a directly Py_ssize_t to int.


I also pushed a few changes written by other contributors.

Issue #26839: os.urandom() doesn't block on Linux anymore. On Linux, os.urandom() now calls getrandom() with GRND_NONBLOCK to fall back on reading /dev/urandom if the urandom entropy pool is not initialized yet. Patch written by Colm Buckley. This issue started a huge annoying discussion around random number generation on the bug tracker and the python-dev mailing list. I later wrote the PEP 524: Make os.urandom() blocking on Linux to fix the issue!

Other changes:

  • Issue #26647: Cleanup opcode: simplify code to build opcode.opname. Patch written by Demur Rumed.
  • Issue #26647: Cleanup modulefinder: use dis.opmap[name] rather than dis.opname.index(name). Patch written by Demur Rumed.
  • Issue #26801: Fix error handling in shutil.get_terminal_size(): catch AttributeError instead of NameError. Skip the functional test of test_shutil using the stty size command if the os.get_terminal_size() function is missing. Patch written by Emanuel Barry.
  • Issue #26802: Optimize function calls only using unpacking like func(*tuple) (no other positional argument, no keyword argument): avoid copying the tuple. Patch written by Joe Jevnik.
  • Issue #21668: Add missing libm dependency in link audioop, _datetime, _ctypes_test modules to libm, except on Mac OS X. Patch written by Chi Hsuan Yen.
  • Issue #26799: Fix don't get C types at startup, only on demand. The C types can change if is loaded before loading the Python executable in gdb. Patch written by Thomas Ilsche.
  • Issue #27057: Fix os.set_inheritable() on Android, ioctl() is blocked by SELinux and fails with EACCESS. The function now falls back to fcntl(). Patch written by Michał Bednarski.
  • Issue #26647: Fix typo in test_grammar. Patch written by Demur Rumed.