This article is about the work done in Python in 2019 and 2020 to better isolate subinterpreters. Static types are converted to heap types, extension modules are converted to use the new multiphase initialization API (PEP 489), caches, states, singletons and free lists are made per-interpreter, many bugs have been fixed, etc.
Running multiple interpreters in parallel with one "GIL" per interpreter cannot be done yet, but a lot of complex technical challenges have been solved.
Why isolating subinterpreters?
The final goal is to be able run multiple interpreters in parallel in the same process, like one interpreter per CPU, each interpreter would run in its own thread. The principle is the same than the multiprocessing module and has the same limitations: no Python object can be shared directly between two interpreters. Later, we can imagine helpers to share Python mutable objects using proxies which would prevent race conditions.
The work on subinterpreter requires to modify many functions and extension modules. It will benefit to Python in different ways.
Converting static types to heap types and convert extension modules to the multiphase initialization API (PEP 489) makes extension modules implemented in C to behave closer to modules implemented in Python, which is good for the PEP 399 -- Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements. So this work also helps Python implementations other than CPython, like PyPy.
These changes also destroy more Python objects and release more memory at Python exit which matters when Python is embedded in an application. Python should be "state less", especially release all memory at exit. This work slowly fix the bpo-163574: Py_Finalize() doesn't clear all Python objects at exit. Python leaks less and less Python objects at exit.
Proof-of-concept in May 2020
In May 2020, I wrote a proof-of-concept to prove the feasability of the project and to prove that it is faster than sequential execution: PoC: Subinterpreters 4x faster than sequential execution or threads on CPU-bound workaround. Benchmark on 4 CPUs:
- Sequential: 1.99 sec +- 0.01 sec
- Threads: 3.15 sec +- 0.97 sec (1.5x slower)
- Multiprocessing: 560 ms +- 12 ms (3.6x faster)
- Subinterpreters: 583 ms +- 7 ms (3.4x faster)
The performance of subintepreters is basically the same speed than multiprocessing on this benchmark which is promising.
Experimental isolated subintepreters
To write this PoC, I added a --with-experimental-isolated-subinterpreters option to ./configure in bpo-40514 which defines the EXPERIMENTAL_ISOLATED_SUBINTERPRETERS macro. Effects of this special build:
- Make the GIL per-interpreter.
- _xxsubinterpreters.run_string() releases the GIL when running the subinterpreter.
- Add a thread local storage for the Python thread state ("tstate").
- Disable the garbage collector in subinterpreters.
- Disable the type attribute lookup cache.
- Disable free lists: frame, list, tuple, type attribute lookup cache.
- Disable singletons: latin1 characters.
- Disable interned strings.
- Disable the fast pymalloc memory allocator (force libc malloc memory allocator).
Features are disabled because their implementation is currently not compatible with multiple interpreters running in parallel.
This special build is designed to be temporary. It should ease the development of isolated subinterpreters. It will be removed once subinterpreters will be fully isolated (once each interpreter will have its own GIL).
Convert static types to heap types
Types declared in Python (class MyType: ...) are always "heap types": types dynamically allocated on the heap memory. Historically, all types declared in C were declared as "static types": defined statically at build time.
In C, static types are referenced directly using the using & operator to get their address, they are not copied. For example, the Python str type is referenced as &PyUnicode_Type in C.
Types are also regular objects (PyTypeObject inherits from PyObject) and have a reference count, whereas the PyObject.ob_refcnt member is not atomic and so must not be modified in parallel. Problem: all interpreters share the same static types. Static types have other problems:
- A type __mro__ tuple (PyTypeObject.tp_mro member) has the same problem of non-atomic reference count.
- When a subtype is created, it is stored in the PyTypeObject.tp_subclasses dictionary member (accessible in Python with the __subclasses__() method), whereas Python dictionaries are not thread-safe.
- Static types behave differently than regular Python types. For example, usually it is not possible to add an arbitrary attribute or override an attribute. It goes against the PEP 399 -- Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements principles.
- etc.
Right now, 43% (89/206) of types are declared as heap types on a total of 206 types. For comparison, in Python 3.8, only 9% (15/172) of types were declared as heap types: 74 types have been converted in the meanwhile.
TODO: convert the remaining 117 static types: see bpo-40077.
Multiphase initialization API
Historically, extension modules are declared with the PyModule_Create() function. Usually, such extension can be instanciated exactly once. It is stored in an internal PyInterpreterState.modules_by_index list; an unique index is assigned to the module and stored in PyModuleDef.m_base.m_index. Usually, such extension use static global variables.
Such "static" extension has multiple issues:
- The extension cannot be unloaded: its memory is not released at Python exit. It is an issue when Python is embedded in an application.
- The extension behaves differently than modules defined in Python. When an extension is reimported, its namespace (module.__dict__) is duplicated, but mutable objects and static global variables are still shared. It goes against the PEP 399 -- Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements principles.
- etc.
In 2013, Petr Viktorin, Stefan Behnel and Nick Coghlan wrote the PEP 489 -- Multi-phase extension module initialization which has been approved and implemented in Python 3.5. For example, the _abc module initialization function is now just a call to the new PyModuleDef_Init() function:
PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit__abc(void) { return PyModuleDef_Init(&_abcmodule); }
An extension module can have a module state, if PyModuleDef.m_size is greater than zero. Example:
typedef struct { PyTypeObject *_abc_data_type; unsigned long long abc_invalidation_counter; } _abcmodule_state; static struct PyModuleDef _abcmodule = { ... .m_size = sizeof(_abcmodule_state), // <=== HERE === };
The PyModule_GetState() can be used to retrieve the module state. Example:
static inline _abcmodule_state* get_abc_state(PyObject *module) { void *state = PyModule_GetState(module); assert(state != NULL); return (_abcmodule_state *)state; } static PyObject * _abc__abc_init(PyObject *module, PyObject *self) { _abcmodule_state *state = get_abc_state(module); ... data = abc_data_new(state->_abc_data_type, NULL, NULL); ... }
Right now, 77% (102/132) of extension modules use the new multiphase initialization API (PEP 489) on a total of 132 extension modules. For comparison, in Python 3.8, only 23% (27/118) of extensions used the new multiphase initialization API: 75 extensions have been converted in the meanwhile.
TODO: convert the remaining 30 extension modules (bpo-163574).
Module states
Some modules have a state which should be stored in the interpreter to share its state between multiple instances of the module, and also to give access to the state in functions of the public C API (ex: PyAST_Check()).
States made per-interpreter:
Singletons must not be shared between interpreters.
Singletons made per-interpreter.
- 2019-12-17: small integer, the [-5; 256] range (commit by me)
- 2020-06-04: empty tuple singleton (commit by me)
- 2020-06-23: empty bytes string singleton and single byte character (b'\x00' to b'\xFF') singletons (commit by me)
- 2020-06-23: empty Unicode string singleton (commit by me)
- 2020-06-23: empty frozenset singleton (commit by me); later removed.
- 2020-06-24: single Unicode character (U+0000-U+00FF range) (commit by me)
I also micro-optimized the code: most singletons are now always created at startup, it's no longer needed to check if it is created at each function call. Moreover, an assertion now ensures that singletons are no longer used after they are deleted.
Free lists
A free list is a micro-optimization on memory allocations. The memory of recently destroyed objects is not freed to be able to reuse it for new objects. Free lists must not be shared between interpreters.
Free lists made per-interpreter (bpo-40521):
- 2020-06-04: slice (commit by me)
- 2020-06-04: tuple (commit by me)
- 2020-06-04: float (commit by me)
- 2020-06-04: frame (commit by me)
- 2020-06-05: async generator (commit by me)
- 2020-06-05: context (commit by me)
- 2020-06-05: list (commit by me)
- 2020-06-23: dict (commit by me)
- 2020-06-23: MemoryError (commit by me)
Caches made per interpreter:
Interned strings and identifiers
- 2020-12-25: Per-interpreter identifiers: _PyUnicode_FromId() (bpo-39465, commit by me)
- 2020-12-26: Per-interpreter interned strings: PyUnicode_InternInPlace() (bpo-40521, commit by me)
For _PyUnicode_FromId(), I added the pycore_atomic_funcs.h header file (commit) which adds functions for atomic memory accesses (to variables of type Py_ssize_t). It uses __atomic_load_n() and __atomic_store_n() on GCC and clang, or _InterlockedCompareExchange64() and _InterlockedExchange64() on MSC (Windows).
First, I tried to use the _Py_hashtable type: PR 20048. Using _Py_hashtable, _PyUnicode_FromId() took 15.5 ns +- 0.1 ns. I optimized _Py_hashtable: _PyUnicode_FromId() took 6.65 ns +- 0.09 ns. But it was still slower than the reference code: 2.38 ns +- 0.00 ns.
The merged implementation uses an array. An unique index is assigned, index in this array. The array is made larger on demand. The final change adds 1 ns per function call:
[ref] 2.42 ns +- 0.00 ns -> [atomic] 3.39 ns +- 0.00 ns: 1.40x slower
- GIL bugfixes for daemon threads in Python 3.9
- Fix many leaks discovered by subinterpreters
- Fix pickling heap types implemented in C with protocols 0 and 1 (bpo-41052)
PEP 630: Isolating Extension Modules
In August 2020, Petr Viktorin wrote PEP 630 -- Isolating Extension Modules which gives practical advices on how to update an extension module to make it stateless using previous PEPs (heap types, multi-phase init, etc.). Once a module is stateless, it becomes safe to use it subinterpreters running in parallel.
The work on subintepreters, multiphase init and heap types is a collaborative work on-going for 2 years. I would like to thank the following developers for helping on this large task:
- Christian Heimes
- Dong-hee Na
- Eric Snow
- Erlend Egeberg Aasland
- Hai Shi
- Mohamed Koubaa
- Nick Coghlan
- Paulo Henrique Silva
- Petr Viktorin
- Vinay Sajip
Note: Since the work is scattered in many issues and pull requests, it's hard to track who helped: sorry if I forgot someone! (Please contact me and I will complete the list.)
What's Next?
There are still multiple interesting technical challenges:
- bpo-39511: Per-interpreter singletons (None, True, False, etc.)
- bpo-40601: Hide static types from the C API
- Make pymalloc allocator compatible with subinterpreters.
- Make the GIL per interpreter. Maybe even give the choice to share or not the GIL when a subinterpreter is created.
- Make the _PyArg_Parser (parser_init()) function compatible with subinterpreters. Maybe use a per-interpreter array, similar solution than _PyUnicode_FromId().
- bpo-15751: Make the PyGILState API compatible with subinterpreters (issue created in 2012!)
- bpo-40522: Get the current Python interpreter state from Thread Local Storage (autoTSSkey)
Also, there are still many static types to convert to heap types (bpo-40077) and many extension modules to convert to the multiphase initialization API (bpo-163574).
I'm tracking the work in my Python Subinterpreters page and in the bpo-40512: Meta issue: per-interpreter GIL.