My contributions to CPython during 2017 Q1 (january, februrary, march):
Previous report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q4. Next report: My contributions to CPython during 2017 Q2 (part 1 …
In feburary 2017, CPython from Bitbucket with Mercurial moved to GitHub with Git: read [Python-Dev] CPython is now on GitHub by Brett Cannon.
In 2016, I worked on to automate running benchmarks and make benchmarks more stable. At the end, I had a single command to:
Here is the raw list of the 46 CPython issues I opended between 2016-04-21 and 2017-02-10 to implement my FASTCALL optimization. Most issues created in 2016 are already part of Python 3.6.0, some are already merged into the future Python 3.7, the few remaining issues are still …
For my FASTCALL project (CPython optimization avoiding temporary tuples and dictionaries to pass arguments), I wrote many short microbenchmarks. I grouped them into a new Git repository: pymicrobench. Benchmark results are required by CPython developers to prove that an optimization is worth it. It's not uncommon that I abandon a …
In April 2016, I experimented a Python change to avoid temporary tuple to call functions. Builtin functions were between 20 and 50% faster!
Sadly, some benchmarks were randomy slower. It will take me four months to understand why!
During four months, I worked on making …
My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q4 (october, november, december):
hg log -r 'date("2016-10-01"):date("2016-12-31")' --no-merges -u Stinner
Statistics: 105 non-merge commits + 31 merge commits (total: 136 commits).
Previous report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q3. Next report: My contributions to CPython during 2017 Q1.
Table of …
My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q3
I was invited at my first CPython sprint in September! Five days, September 5-9, at Instagram office in California, USA. The sprint was sponsored by Instagram, Microsoft, and the PSF.
First little game: Many happy faces, but Where is Victor?
IMHO it was the most productive CPython week ever :-) Having …
Last years, I'm making sometimes enhancements in the Python code used to generate random numbers, the C implementation of os.urandom(). My main two changes were to use the new getentropy() and getrandom() functions when available on Linux, Solaris, OpenBSD, etc.
In 2013, os.urandom() opened …
My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q2 (april, may, june):
hg log -r 'date("2016-04-01"):date("2016-06-30")' --no-merges -u Stinner
Statistics: 52 non-merge commits + 22 merge commits (total: 74 commits).
Previous report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q1. Next report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q3.
© Victor Stinner 2016
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