My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q1 (january, februrary, march):
hg log -r 'date("2016-01-01"):date("2016-03-31")' --no-merges -u Stinner
Statistics: 196 non-merge commits + 33 merge commits (total: 229 commits).
Previous report: My contributions to CPython during 2015 Q4. Next report: My contributions to CPython during 2016 Q2.
Since …
I am working on the CPython benchmark suite (performance) and I run the benchmark suite to upload results to While analying results, I noticed a temporary peak on the call_method benchmark at October 19th:
The graphic shows the performance of the call_method microbenchmark between Feb 29, 2016 …
Intel CPUs (part 2): Turbo Boost, temperature, frequency and Pstate C0 bug
Intel CPUs: Hyper-threading, Turbo Boost, CPU frequency, etc.
I developed a new perf module designed to run stable benchmarks, give fine control on benchmark parameters and compute statistics on results. With such tool, it becomes simple to visualize sources of noise. The CPU isolation will be used to visualize the system noise. Running a benchmark on isolated CPUs …
My journey to stable benchmark, part 3 (average)
My journey to stable benchmark, part 2 (deadcode)
My journey to stable benchmark, part 1
Status of Python 3 in OpenStack Mitaka
_PyBytesWriter API
© Victor Stinner 2016
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